A Way to Express Opinion表达意见的方式
A Way to Express Opinion
An actor was making his debut performance and invited a prominent
director to watch his act, hoping that he would star him in his movies
and make him famous. He put forth his best effort. After the
performance, he came down from the stage and found that the
director had dozed off! The new actor was extremely hurt and said
to the director: "Let me tell you frankly, I invited you here because
I have tremendous faith in you, yet you dozed off! Can't you see
how important your opinion is to me?"
The director answered: "Dozing off is also a way to express my opinion!"
An actor was making his debut performance and invited a prominent
director to watch his act, hoping that he would star him in his movies
and make him famous. He put forth his best effort. After the
performance, he came down from the stage and found that the
director had dozed off! The new actor was extremely hurt and said
to the director: "Let me tell you frankly, I invited you here because
I have tremendous faith in you, yet you dozed off! Can't you see
how important your opinion is to me?"
The director answered: "Dozing off is also a way to express my opinion!"
- 讲究举手方式
- Won't Feel Too Lonely不会孤单
- A Novel Way to Park创意停车法
- 说话方式很重要
- 意见簿
- I Don't Need to Steal Any More
- Give up your seat to a lady 给女士让座
- Another 40 Years to live
- 以艺术家的方式思考问题
- motolola的来意
- 现在小屁孩的思维方式
- Give up your seat to a lady给女士让座
- Whats time to a pig?
- 车站接人十大方式
- 各国拍点的方式
- 最早的通讯方式
- 方式不对
- 为什么要用这么吓人的方式
- Three pastors 三个牧师
- 自杀方式
- 牧师的意见
- 同学聚会应该换这种方式
- 方式不同
- 请新郎用三种语言对新娘表达爱意
- 眼神表达
- 超速的司机A Speeding Motorist
- To Buy a Video 买录像机
- At a Department Store 在百货商店里
- The doctor lives downstairs医生住在楼下
- 坠落的方式不同
- How to Become Rich 如何致富
- 意见分歧
- 他是在用行动表达对你的不满
- 太晚了 It's Too Late
- The Doctor Knows Better
- Which Month Did He Go Away
- 找妹子开房最最含蓄的表达方式
- 我很有意见
- 他们用这种方式坚强的活了一个月呀一个月
- I Want Her to go Nuts