We're Not Responsible不关我们的事
We're Not Responsible!
There was a primary school teacher who took her students to see an art gallery. There everyone looked, looked and looked, and one student kept pulling the teacher's dress, saying, "Teacher, Teacher, I think we'd better get out of here quickly." And the teacher said, "Why is that?" So the student replied, "If we stay here longer, everyone will think that we were the students who did all these paintings."
There was a primary school teacher who took her students to see an art gallery. There everyone looked, looked and looked, and one student kept pulling the teacher's dress, saying, "Teacher, Teacher, I think we'd better get out of here quickly." And the teacher said, "Why is that?" So the student replied, "If we stay here longer, everyone will think that we were the students who did all these paintings."
- 老师语重心长的教育我们
- 那位女士是我们的老顾客
- 能让我们的老师回去吗?
- 老公,我们玩成语接龙好不好
- 教官一下给我们上了两节课
- 我们都一把年纪了
- 我们家是不是很穷?
- 我们不可能在一起
- 我们和西游记有点像
- 白雪公主的故事告诉我们
- 我们这么恩爱
- 太讨厌我们老板了
- 我们的地价有那么便宜吗
- 我们坐在高高的骨灰缸边
- 我们一块去吃草吧
- 我们分手吧
- 我们大家都惊坏了
- 我们这一家子都是什么人
- Another 40 Years to live
- 你就忍心让我们闻着味道
- Wedding or Not
- 我们是红军
- 这个故事告诉了我们什么
- 我们俩是天生的一对
- 我们9个已经憋不住了
- 我们公司统一不着装
- 我们还是离婚吧
- 我们班一共就38个同学
- 让我们同归于尽吧
- 看我们是怎么整人的
- 我们女孩当自强
- 我们家有别墅
- 我们俄罗斯没有黑人
- 我们报警吧
- 我们的神奇历史
- 我们不能结婚
- 室友追求我们校花,成功了
- 我们同是鼠类
- 真不幸,我们成了孤儿
- 日本人怎么嘲笑我们的